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What is cholesterol? is it dangerous?

Anyone know what is cholesterol? Maybe a lot of the mention that cholesterol is one of the substances that are harmful to the body. Probably indeed Yes, however this is not entirely true. cholesterol itself actually has a very important function for our bodies. cholesterol or often known by the name of lipoprotein in the medical term is carried away by the blood goes into the protein substances from the food that we consume.

cholesterol itself actually split into two, namely LDL cholesterol and HDL. The following explanation:

high cholesterol foods

Is the type of cholesterol or lipoproteins that are protecting. Substances which are known by the term lipoprotein HDL has the function to transport cholesterol-cholesterol from the cells of the body's cells and bring it back into the heart. Then, cholesterol in the liver it will be destroyed.

2. Bad Cholesterol (LDL)

Evil is a kind of cholesterol that are harmful to our body if excessive amount. Kolestrol, known as LDL term it serves to transport kolestrol from the heart towards the body's cells need. When too many of these substances in the body, then your LDL will settles on the artery wall, so that it can trigger a wide range of ailments.

How to detect cholesterol levels in the body?

To know the levels of cholesterol inside our body, there is one thing that's easy to do, namely to check the body's cholesterol levels. This is easy to do, because other than in a hospital or a doctor, usually a few companies of health also provides a place to check the content of cholesterol in the body.

How much is the normal limit of cholesterol in the body

The content of normal adult cholesterol levels in his body, is about 160 – 200 mg. Of course this amount varies for each person, depending on their risk factors such as genes or offspring. But in General, when the levels of cholesterol inside our body has exceeded the number 240 mg or even far above 500 mg, then obliged to take care, and keep a healthy diet.

The cause of the
When already doing blood tests and receiving results with high cholesterol, maybe some people will feel shocked, with her condition. Actually, what are the things that can cause the body's cholesterol levels be high? The following are some of the things that can affect your cholesterol levels in the body:

1. Genes or descent

High cholesterol content can be passed down through lineage. The facts say that almost everyone who has the talent is innate factors high cholesterol and offspring.

2. Age

It turns out that the content of cholesterol in the body will have a tendency to increase in the age of 20s. This is something that is natural, so it is reasonable only if along with increasing age, cholesterol content in our body becoming increasingly high.

3. Eating patterns

Diet and the consumption of certain foods is also one of the actors triggers the high content in the body of the largest cholesterol. Some types of food contain cholesterol evil, which is often consumed can cause deposition of cholesterol. The following Narayan and drink abstinence cholesterol height:

Fast Food
Fried foods
Egg yolk
Quail eggs
Coconut milk
Goat meat
Chicken skin
4. Smoking

Already an open secret that the dangers of smoking may cause a variety of diseases. One is the rise in deposits of kolestrol inside your body.

5. Alcohol

The dangers of liquor, such as consuming excessive alcohol also have the same bad effect against the high content of cholesterol in the body. Therefore, you must stop smoking and drinking alcohol, or at least minimize it.

6. Stress

psychological conditions that have an impact on the appearance of physical symptoms, such as stress and depression can also have an effect on the high content of kolestreol in our bodies.

6. Less exercise

Important sports are done to help improve the body's metabolism and burn fat-fat. By doing sport, cholesterol would be it helpful the discharge process. While rarely exercising, then cholesterol instead will precipitate out and will not come out of the body.

7. Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that can lead to the high content of cholesterol in our body.